
  • Timeline

    Multiple launches over 4 years

  • Role

    Design, Technical Development,

    & Sales Support

  • Deliverables

    High Performance Healthcare Fabrics

    & Color Palette


As Program Manager at Duvaltex, I built several healthcare programs from the ground up, growing sales from 2.5 to 4 million over 5 years. Forming partnerships with industry leaders like Maharam was integral to my success because of their close ties with the A&D community. This is a small selection of my design work in the healthcare sector (other clients include Standard, Momentum, & Knoll).

Because these fabrics are mainly used in hospitals, they had to pass rigorous testing, and evidence-based design studies were referenced to determine the subtle palette and pattern work. Images below show various stages of the process- SKUs, digital product simulation, CAD, colorwork, weave simulation, graphic collaboration, inspiration, and details. Products are copyrighted to Maharam and available through their website.